FMS - Fleet Management Solutions
FMS stands for Fleet Management Solutions
Here you will find, what does FMS stand for in IT under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Fleet Management Solutions? Fleet Management Solutions can be abbreviated as FMS What does FMS stand for? FMS stands for Fleet Management Solutions. What does Fleet Management Solutions mean?The IT company falls under information technology and services category and is located in Manila, Manila.
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Alternative definitions of FMS
- Fort Madison, Iowa USA
- Foreign Military Sales
- Forms management system
- Feline Mcdonough Sarcoma
- Foreign Military Sales
- Foreign Military Sales
- Flexible Manufacturing System
- Financial Management Service
View 194 other definitions of FMS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- FFRS Factor Five Regenerative Skincare
- FEL Facilities Excellence LLC
- FTL Federal Transformer Ltd
- FMTPL Fischer Measurement Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
- FIBSP Friends of Island Beach State Park
- FSTI Five Star Telecom Inc
- FASNY French American School of New York
- FTI Functional Training Institute
- FFPD Focus Factor Plus Doo
- FSARC Financial Systemic Analysis and Resilience Center
- FDG Fitness Design Group
- FH Foundation of Hope
- FML Fortis Mining Ltd
- FRW Fashion Rocks Worldwide
- FPM Fantastic Plastic Mag
- FLGSA Forest Land Group S.A.
- FBG Food and Beverage Group
- FLMM Fairway Lincoln Mercury Mazda
- FII Fitts Industries Inc